Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hello, Hello

I've finally joined the fray...I always considered myself being up to snuff as far as basic technology goes until I realized everyone has a blog except me. Hopefully you'll enjoy the pictures, stories, and other trivialities that make up our family life. Have a great day!


Brynn said...

Hooray Natalie! I'm glad to see you're up and blogging! :)

Becky said...

Can't wait to see more! Brynn was the one who got me going with a blog. I was so out of it too :) What's a blog? Some sort of really Big clog?

stephanie said...

Hey! Im glad you got a blog! I love it cause I can let me family see pics of Ryker..and I have been able to find old friends! You guys need to come down here when your mom comes to town! That would be a lot of fun!

Kahananui said...

I love your scrapbook pages, I have got to learn how to do that! How are you guys doing? How are you feeling?! I hate that last month!!! Your girls are so cute! I miss them. Hope everything is going well. Love ya