Thursday, May 1, 2008

18 Hours and Counting

I'm being induced tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. and can't wait another minute! I'm so excited to be rid of this gigantic, heaving, automatonic belly I've been hositing and carrying around for what seems like an eternity. More than that, though, I am thrilled by the thought of meeting a new child. I think it will be such a blast to see who he looks like and be reminded how tiny newborns actually are.

Here are the final stats on total damages sustained over the past 40 weeks:
Weight gained - 35 pounds
Inches gained around waist - 17.5
Seconds of mild activity before becoming winded - 12
Cans of Diet Pepsi consumed - 126
False-alarm trips to hospital - 2
Ultrasounds - 3

In the end, I feel like it will all be worth the trouble, but I'll definitely need an abundant period of time before I even want to think about pregnancy in any way, shape, or form again!


Kahananui said...

I'm so happy for you guys! I can relate to the 2 false alarms trips to the hospital....isn't that the worst? It's humiliating, when I finally did go into labor, I didn't even call anyone until I was sure I was going to be admitted. :) Anyways, I'm so excited to see pictures and hopefully really see him soon! Good luck with everything let us know how it all goes and send LOTS of pictures!! So exciting!!! oh and Karli's haircut is so cute!!! I love it!! Remember the fishnets? Hahaha Adam kept insisting those weren't in style either....:)

Melisa said...

So exciting! Hope you have a restful night of sleep! It might be your last for awhile. ;)

Becky said...

Well, it's midnight as I write, so that leaves 8 hours. I'm just thinking how tired I am right now and how it would really suck to go and try to have a baby right now. Anyway, I'm sure you're up for the challenges and I'm sure after 126 pepsis the pressure on your bladder must be great. Good luck and happy pushing!

Jordan and Elaine's Family said...

Good luck!! I can't wait to see the baby!

Amy said...

You are hilarious! I'm so excited that you are getting a boy! I also hope that your mom and Adam get there in time:) Right now I believe you are getting your epidural and Adam is about to leave to get your mom. By the time you read this, everything will be over! Love you guys!

Welch Mom said...

Good Luck. I envy you as I sit and wait and can not be induced this time even though 2 inductions did not get me going last time!

Brynn said...

HOORAY! You have a baby by now for sure!!! CONGRATULATIONS! :)

stephanie said...

Hey! How are you guys doing? How is baby Rex? Let me know all the fun details! Do the girls like having a little brother?