Friday, April 25, 2008

Six Great Years!

Today is Adam's and my sixth anniversary. I can't believe how quickly time has passed (time really does fly when you're having fun) and how much has happened in the past six years. They have definitely been the best six years of my life!

I always get nostalgic, sentimental, and even (big surprise) weepy when I think about how fortunate I am to be married to Adam. He has enriched my life beyond imagination and I feel so blessed to be able to call him my husband. I always heard people say that married life gets better and better, but had a hard time perceiving the concept when I was first married; i thought things were already fabulous enough. Now I know what those people meant...Adam is my best friend and I feel like all of our experiences together have made every day since our wedding better than the one before it. I love being able to live with someone who makes me laugh all the time, takes care of me so tenderly, and is handsome to boot. I'm truly a lucky gal!

So here's to Adam on this special day for us: thank you for being the light of my life! Your patience, kindness, and love mean more to me than anything else. I look forward to spending eternity with you. You're the best!


Deanne said...

Happy Anniversary! You're blogging, so does this mean there's no baby yet?!

Kahananui said...

Happy Anniverary!!! Hope you guys had a good day!

Amy said...

I can't believe it has already been 6 years! Happy Anniversary!

Melisa said...

Aww, how sweet! Happy anniversary!

stephanie said...

hey good luck with everything tomorrow! Let us know the weight and all the fun details!

Nancey said...

Happy belated anniversary, and congrats on your little Rex. He's adorable. From the photos, it looks like you had a good childbirth! You deserve it after all those months. I'm looking forward to meeting him and seeing your girls in a little while. Have a safe trip over and get some rest (hahaha). Talk to you soon, Nat.