Monday, June 16, 2008

Word Craft

As an English major, I'm pretty much enthralled by language and the acquisition thereof (nerd alert!). One of my favorite things to witness as a mother is the way my kids use their newfound linguistic skills to communicate. Recently, Amber has been rhyming and making up nonsense words and it is often hilarious to hear what she develops. A few days ago, she and Karli were playing in our bedroom and Amber said, "Come get me, Beeheehee!" Beeheehee now serves as one of Karli's nicknames (Amber coined her other nickname as well: Carlos), the name of a game (it involves playing in a specific region of the bedroom), and a word that also describes any general person who is bothering Amber ("Don't, Beeheehee!").

1 comment:

Amy said...

Amber is hilarious! Where in the world did she come up with beeheehee?