Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lost in Translation

Amber and Karli are talking up a storm these days; Karli is learning how to use sentences and Amber is rapidly increasing her vocabulary (a result of her constant stream of questions, I think). The cutest thing about this new linguistic phenomenon is that they both get new, large words confused with other words they already know. Here are some of the best:

Amber told Adam she wants a red "incredible" (convertible).
Amber and Adam bought "elevator" at Meijer (Gatorade).
"Bacteria" put Karli in her car seat for me yesterday (Octavia, our neighbor).
Karli's new favorite movie is "George Washington" (Curious George).


Amy said...

I love it when kids get words wrong!!! That picture of Amber as Ariel is hilarious. She is quite the drama queen!!!

Amy said...

Okay, I just read below and I some how missed the post about Allison getting called on a mission...that is awesome! I didn't even know she was planning on going. That is so neat that she will be there with your cousin!!!

Becky said...

Aren't the human brains a wonderful thing? Sometimes I don't hear Chris quite right (I think I'm going deaf) and I'll repeat back what he said just to verify the odd question and find out it wasn't as odd as I thought.