Friday, May 30, 2008

The New Normal

I never believed that having strict schedules and enforcing routines was all it is cracked up to be. Yes, I know, many of you are frenetically gripping your mouses (mice?) and uttering horror-filled gasps of disgust, but I liked having a bit of flexibility in our family's procedures for two reasons: 1) We operate on a student's clock, which means we steal family togetherness time whenever we can (generally between nine and ten-thirty p.m. and lately around four a.m. for a fun-filled session of whining, eating, whining, movie watching, more whining, and back/tummy/arm/leg/foot tickling) and 2) Spontaneity is something I have always loved. Those were the good old days!

Now, since the feeble daily structure that we maintained pre-Rex is shattered, I yearn to Stepfordize my family's activities for the sake of my fleeting sanity. I never knew I had it so good as far as accomplishing basic tasks goes. My whole method of living is unraveled and I wonder if I'll ever find a 15-minute window of time to actually work out again. I guess I'm almost there, though; I do manage to put on my work out clothes before someone needs a diaper change, a meal, or a load of laundry washed--needless to say, I've been wearing the same work out clothes for a week because they never get worn during a work out.

Ironically, I see that even I, the non-routinist, did in fact employ a schedule that worked fairly well until May second rolled around. I'm taking bets on how long it will be before I regain a livable mode of functionality.


Becky said...

It was a stupendous moment of enlightenment the day I realized that my children should and would have a bed time. It's been done for years by parents all over the globe, but for me it didn't seem like a possibility. Well, I tried it and my life and time are at last things I have control of from about 8:30 pm to about 7 am. Weird. A student family's world is like living with an alien that graces you with it's presence on his own planet's lunar schedule, not yours.
You know,I think we should form an exercise group for women who have been wearing their work out cloths all week but have never exercised. Just keep wearing them, one of these days we will exercise, and if not, just think of all the laundry you won't have to do. (sorry about the long comment, I can never say anything in just a few words).

Brynn said...

Oh routine. I was so anti-established routine until Joseph was like...20 months. (I think that was like a week ago) (although I always did have a bedtime which was nice because he needed to sleep and I needed to relax) but now I and he know when he'll have a nap, when he'll eat, and there's not a big tantrum about it. I refuse to be terribly rigid in my routine though because I have seen what that does to extended family and how that makes them feel about you...Joseph does great no matter what I do, but, having the routine helps him feel some normalcy especially amidst all the crazy stuff that's going on. Man, Becky sure has some pearls of wisdom. I like her long comments. So, when are you coming to Utah?

Amy said...

I have never been good about routines! It is the only way to be able to pick up at any moment and be spontaneous. Isn't life crazy! I totally understand getting dressed to work out and never getting the workout:) Someone always needs something:)