Thursday, August 14, 2008

All-American Boy

Rex is already three months old! I can't believe how quickly time is passing (oh, I sound like an old lady, don't I?). He is now wearing larger clothes and fits into these two adorable outfits. My friend, Diana, gave Rex the darling camo ensemble and I found the tres-American, Ralph Lauren overalls at T.J. Maxx for a great deal (good 'ol favorite designer of all time!). Rex's hair is decidedly blonde and his huge blue eyes (and his enormous smile that inevitably disappears as soon as the camera's flash fires) make him the quintessential American baby. He's a joy and we love having him in our family!


Amy said...

Rex is so good looking!!! I love him in his cute outfits! How is Adam liking his internship? I need to call you guys...I will try to do that today.

Leslie said...

Rex is so cute! I can't wait till you all get to Utah so we can hold him.

Deanne said...

What a cute boy!

Becky said...

That is one adorable boy! I didn't know babies could look so cute at such a young age. It seems to usually take a few months till they recover from that whole 9 months in close quarters fiasco.