Sunday, August 30, 2009

Current Events Are a Big Deal in Our House

I am always interested in the news and watch it every day. However, I am not nearly as obssesed as the rest of the Clark family (I do not watch Fox News all day long...only an hour or two). It made me so proud when Karli told me the following today at church:

Speaker: "...and that's what we learn from Cain's experiences."

Karli: "Hey! He said 'Cain'. I know John McCain. He tried to be president but he's not. Now only Barack Obama is the president of us, but not in our church...just in America."

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry because I was so amazed; I couldn't believe that she rememberd the 2008 presidential election (we were not fans of either candidate but watched a healthy dose of coverage), let alone the name of the losing candidate. I'm so proud of my little political junkie. Watch out you Beltway Boys, here she comes!


Becky said...

That's so awesome! We've had similar conversations while attempting to differentiate between President Monson and Pres. Obama. R & D have even asked who has the most power. Too funny.
They also found out how much the Pres. of the USA makes per year and have informed Chris that he can start running for pres. next year as he'll be 35. It always makes me feel better knowing that I'm still too young to take on that role.

Leslie said...

Hooray for Karli! She is a true Clark.

Kacey said...

That is so funny that she knows that. My kids got a little confused about the president of the church and the president of the US during the election too.

Jeppesens said...

That is very cute. My kids would have no clue. WE are not much into politics. Hope the beginning of school was good for you. Bailee is enjoying first grade this year. And to be honest so am I!!