Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pregnancy Quirks

I only have seven weeks and two days left of this pregnancy, and I'm starting to feel the "I-can't-go-on-any-longer" symptoms. It seems like suddenly, I'm so huge I can't move and that overnight, even my maternity clothes became too tight. Isn't gestation a wonderful thing? I'm getting very excited to not have a baby inside me, to feel a little less-invaded all the time, to be able to make progress on weight loss and actually have a goal to reach as far as returning to my pre-baby shape, and to be rid of all the strange, random things that have happened to my body:

1. ultra-sensitive tops of feet
2. quickened temper
3. bizarre dreams
4. eczema on my neck and arms
5. facial acne
6. fingernails that grow so quickly they must be trimmed every four days
7. greasy hair
8. heartburn, heartburn, and more heartburn
9. terrible posture
10. insatiable sweet tooth

I know that I'll have a whole new set of issues with which to deal once the baby is born, but for now, those seem like a walk in the park because I'll actually be able to breathe and move in the ways requisite of caring for a family and performing household tasks.


Kacey said...

Hang in there! I feel your pain and I'm glad I'll never have those symptoms again!

Liz said...

I hear ya! We just got our family pictures back and I found myself trying to sit higher while I looked at them. My posture was horrible! It's a major sacrifice to have a baby, but so worth it. Hang in there. You're so close!

Becky said...

The top of your feet? That's a new one. It's so near the end, good luck! There really is something wonderful about having your body back to yourself.

Welch Mom said...

You can do it, you are in the home stretch. I remember that feeling like is this ever going to end. It does and the reward at the end is so great!