Wednesday, December 16, 2009

If It Walks Like a Duck... must be big, humongous Natalie waddling around the house. I have one week left until induction and I can't remember ever being this uncomfortable with my other pregnancies. I was running every day until I gave birth when I had Amber, and with Karli and Rex I could push the double stroller and walk four miles each morning. This baby has rendered me nearly useless, as I can barely walk from the kitchen to the front door without suffering. I guess my body is just worn out from being pregnant for 40 out of the past 60 months. Yay for no more pregnancies!

I am starting to get really excited to meet our new little boy. I am also super nervous to see how he changes the family dynamic. I hope that Rex will be nice to him and that my girls can be good helpers. I am gearing up to give lots of extra attention to the three older kids, but still I worry that it won't be enough or that we'll suddenly have a family of bed-wetting children or worse. Hopefully, things will work out well and everyone will adjust by having the expected and tolerable side-effects of adding a new one to the brood.

We're still debating on names; we have a few that we all like. Some of us like one name more than others, so I'm curious to see who the baby looks like and the kind of vibe he gives off. Call me crazy, but I just can't name a baby before I've met him or her. It never works out (Karli was going to be Kandice...but, no). I think we're all ready as far as laundry, sewing, organizing, etc. goes, so now I'm just waiting around to HAVE THIS BABY! Let's hope it's sooner rather than later.


Kacey said...

I was the same way with Derek (who came out 1 1/2 pounds bigger than any of my other babies). Just think, you will NEVER be this size again! Horay! I'm with you on the name thing, I can't imagine finalizing a name before I see the little one.

Christina White said...

Ugh! I HATE the last month of pregnancy!! There is just NOT enough room in your body for 2 people anymore. Plus by your 4th, you are so over the whole, "I look really cute with my big belly!" and such. I have not LOVED my pregnant body this go around. I just want the baby here and to get back into shape! The baby is the fun part! Good luck! I am jealous you only have a few days left! I have 2 months!! But hopefully it will go by FAST.

Becky said...

So it was you that I saw trying her best to keep up with the flock but not succeeding. That's so true about meeting your baby before deciding on a name. Though the name Monster would fit each of my kids, for their down times, the names we chose work just right for them.