Wednesday, January 20, 2010

An Idol in the Making

Adam, the kids, and I all love to watch American Idol, and last night during the show, Amber asked me the cutest question out of the blue:

"Hey Mom, when I make it to Hollywood, will you ride with me in the elevator so I won't be scared?"

I almost welled up with tears because I was so proud of her for even assuming she could try an audition and "make it to Hollywood" and because it was so darn adorable (and, of course, because my hormones are beyond out-of-control). Live your dreams, little Amber, and YES...I will always be there to ride with you in the elevator!


Deanne said...

So sweet! And we'll be cheering her on from our couches at home! =)

(we love to watch Idol too!)

Kahananui's said...

She is so sweet! I can totally see her making it to hollywood one day! She would be
a super star!!!

Welch Mom said...

I will look forward to that day:)

P.S. How do you get your husband to watch Idol?

Kacey said...

I can just see her on American Idol. Your kids are uber talented (just like you). I can also imagine the proud grandma doing an interview on national TV!

Joe and Marci said...

What a cutie! We'll be watching for you guys in a few years...or maybe we'll see you there. My girls already have their audition songs picked out :)