Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Blizzard, A Tea Party, and Ted Nugent

There's nothing like a blizzard in the middle of April!

After several beautiful days of fun and sun, April 15th seems to inevitably bring snow every single year. I had big plans to attend a tea party today, but am too wimpy to brave the snow, hence my protest waged on the laptop from my cozy dining room.

I'm watching Glenn Beck right now, and I have chills because it's crazy and wonderful to see the voice of the people being broadcast to the government. I'm particularly moved today because I believe in the cause that so many people are working to champion, but I realize the blessings of living in a democracy and think it's grand to know that we can express our opinions, vote to change things if we don't like the way they're going, and that we won't be silenced no matter what we believe. I love America!

Since living in Michigan, I've also become something of a fan of Ted Nugent (who is accompanying Glenn Beck), especially his rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner". He's proof that the U.S.A. rocks!


Amy said...

I can't believe you got that much snow!!! I should've known it would snow in Utah today, because our temperature has dropped down to 65 degrees...and we think that is cold! I'm proud of you for planning on going to a tea party! I should be at one as well!!! Too bad you got snowed out:(

Kahananui said...

Okay, I heard it was snowing there but I didn't think it was that much! Wow, that is terrible. April??! I hope we don't get it. I also am proud of you for planning on the tea party!! I love America too! Can't wait to see you soon...and I was serious about the spa!! :)

Becky said...

Isn't Glen great?! He's such a riot to listen to. You definitely got more snow than we did in So. Ogden but according to the weekend forecast we may be able to peal our white legs off of the bland interior walls and show them what the sun looks like. The walls happen to be the same color as my legs if you didn't catch that, it's so bad that if my house happened to be enemy territory, I would become invisible just by standing still. Have you ever seen Pink Panther with Steve Martin, the first one, where he wears the curtain patterned leotard? Very funny! Similar camouflage idea.

Kacey said...

We got several inches of snow on Tuesday. It's one thing to get a skiff but that was out of control! I felt like I was living in Rexburg again. Hopefully you'll be back to sunshine in no time!