Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Son Must Be a Monkey

"If you have any poo, throw it now."

Rex may have learned it from Karli, but the other day, instead of lying down and napping like a good little boy, he removed his diaper, defecated all over, and managed to throw the results everywhere. It was beyond disgusting, and, like Karli's incident of a few years ago, I had to clean it up while being pregnant. AWFUL! At least this time, Adam helped me and we had a yard and a hose in and with which we could do most of the work. The day I never have to clean up my children's bodily byproducts will be a grand one indeed!


Welch Mom said...

I feel for you. You must read my blog for a fun bodily waste experience I had recently. Oh what fun!

Robogirl said...

HAHAHA, Hannah did the same thing ! But she did not spread it out though.
She actually one time, took of her diaper and then put it back on when she was done with her thing. :-)

Becky said...

I think I remember that one from last year. You poor lady! One step beyond that, or maybe 100 steps beyond that in nastiness is dog droppings. That's the smell that causes instant gagging reflexes.
I love the monkey pic. from Madagascar. My fav. part is when they ask for maternity leave, "but you two are both males!" Love how govt. works, and I'm sure they'd probably get it in some countries.

Deanne said...

Oh yuck! You poor thing!

Jordan and Elaine's Family said...

Oh, I'm sorry. Mason did that once, and it tops the list of the worst things I've had to do as a parent.

Leslie said...

classic! seriously did karli go in late and night and teach him how. oscar hopefully will keep his diaper on because i don't know if i could handle the clean up of such a mess!

Christina White said...

Nat Baby #4! SOO exciting! Congrats!! We too are thinking that 4 kids would be a great number to end on. But no announcement yet . . . As always I love reading your blog! Sorry about the poo--explosion! I have yet to experience that one. But it sounds truly awful. Take Care!!

Much Love, Chris

Melisa said...

haha! Have you seen the commercial for the new G Force movie or whatever it is called with the hamsters or guinea pigs or some type of rodent and they are yelling "poop in his hand! poop in his hand!" LOL!
