Monday, December 1, 2008

A-D-A-M Spells Amazing

You all know that my husband is a magnificent guy, but here's the latest proof:

This morning, I enjoyed a wonderful sleep-in and some snuggling with cute, little Rexy. I didn't expect to see Adam in bed as he is now nocturnal; 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. are prime studying hours around here and he's taking full advantage of the quiet time for Bar Exam preparations. When I finally gained full consciousness, I heard vacuuming downstairs. As I walked down the hall, I heard the dishwasher running and could smell the "clean smell" in our house. Adam had cleaned the whole house from top to bottom while I slept in. Isn't he the best? He did about three loads of dishes (gross, I know), put away all of the kids' stuff that was strewn everywhere, vacuumed, scrubbed the kitchen floor, the whole bit.

I love that man!


Leslie said...

What a wonderful man! A clean house that you didn't have to clean is the BEST!!

Melisa said...

Wow! He is a rarity! Lucky gal!


Becky said...

You're right, ADAM does spell awesome, I even verified it with Mr. Spell Czech. Do men know how sexy they are when the do house work? If they ever figured that out I'm sure the world's population would double within 9 months of said cleaning.

Amy said...

Wow Adam...I'm speechless!

Leslie said...

WOW - I'm impressed too! It does my heart good when I hear about wonderful deeds done by my boys. WAY TO GO ADAM!

(Leslie - mom)

Mary Ann said...

Wow! I wish Sean would do that!!!
You married the perfect man!

Kahananui said...

Wow, I'm also impressed!!! Good job Adam! What a relief for you!