Monday, December 1, 2008

My Poor, Neglected Blog

It must be December, because I find I have holiday events every single night of the month, mounds of laundry to be folded, piles of dishes to be washed, and I haven't even begun to decorate the house for Christmas. I haven't blogged for a week, and my stack of paperwork is growing exponentially. I have at least removed the Thanksgiving decor from the house, which is better than last holiday: I left Halloween items up until the middle of November.

I am definitely overwhelmed, but for some strange and truly uncharacteristic reason, I'm not worried about whether or not my house is decorated and I'm finding that I don't really care if I have the laundry done completely. My family may disagree, but I feel like we'll all be fine if we don't have three Christmas trees (we'll be lucky if we get one decorated this year), if we have to retrieve our clean clothes from the dryer, and if we have to dig our clean plates out of the dishwasher. Perhaps I'm becoming lazy, but I just can't be bothered by all of the manufactured hustle and bustle of this time of year and I kind of like it.

I DO have the Christmas shopping done, my kids get bathed (almost) every day and we're surviving. For once in my life, I'm doing the best I can and that's good enough for me. Maybe there's something wrong with my attitude, but until I discover what it is, it's nice to be at this point!


Melisa said...

I thought about locking my doors so people couldn't see my piled papers, stacked dishes, heaped laundry, undecorated area, and unbathed children, but then I remembered I need to sell my house. Dang. I have to clean. Dang.


Becky said...

You have the best attitude where holidays are concerned. You make me feel so much better as I share your feelings in this department. If I stress out over it I just won't enjoy it. I too store all of my dishes in the dishwasher or the sink. What were these cupboards made for anyway? The dryer is an excellent place to keep the cloths and if they get wrinkled just give them another 10 minutes. Happy Holidays, all of them.

Deanne said...

Nothing wrong with that attitude! I gave up on staying caught up on laundry long ago. I almost always have a basket of clean laundry to be folded or put away...almost always have a sink full of dirty dishes or a dishwasher full of clean ones.

And I don't have my decorations up, your one step ahead since you actually have your Christmas shopping done! Kudos!

Kacey said...

You are amazing. Even if you pull dishes out of the dishwasher to put on the table. Your Thanksgiving feast looked marvellous! I was proud of myself for making rolls and pie without screwing them up!

Mary Ann said...

We are in the process of moving. So it seems like I clean something then I go back upstairs and it is there again!!!