Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thank Heavens I'm No Pioneer

Today, the temperature in Alpine maxed out at nearly 100 degrees. Hot, yes. Bearable, usually...especially when there's a swimming pool in the back yard and a nice, cool basement for retreat. HOWEVER, all these wonderful extra hormones in my body make the heat so miserable that no matter what I try to cool off, my sweaty forehead continues to glisten and my elbow creases never dry.
The upstairs air conditioner went out today, so it was 87 degrees when I last went into my bedroom and I wanted to cry! How lame am I? I know I am thoroughly spoiled and freely admit it, but come on...I could barely breathe!
I can't imagine how awful life must have been for the early Utah settlers who trekked across the United States in covered wagons, long-sleeved-petticoated-high-necked dresses and shoes (or no shoes...even worse!) and am very thankful that they were strong enough to do it so I don't have to. I'd much rather be a "pioneer of the 21st century" and find clever ways to avoid cyber addictions, text-bullies of my children and the like. I'm just not cut out to be a hardy, pregnant lass during the summer heat!


Deanne said...

I hear ya! The heat and humidity out this way makes it hard to breathe. I guess I was spoiled with the cool Michigan summer this year. Virginia heat is kicking my butt!

Melisa said...

LOL! I think this every day, minus the pregnancy part. We have no AC so our house has been close to 90 all summer and I keep wondering how people live like this permanently! It is probably cooler outside than in my house. Ridiculous. Hope you get AC soon!
