Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm Leslie

Our friends Leslie and Derrick had their baby boy last week, and we took our kids over to see him last night. Upon returing, Karli immediately took out her five baby dolls and re-named them Oscar after the new baby. Then, she re-named herself Leslie and has been taking great care of her "babies" ever since. It's adorable! By the way, congraulations to the Larson family!


Amy said...

I can't get this video to play...the one with Amber worked...I don't know why.

Melisa said...

So sweet! You have such girly girls. ;) I did know Leslie had her baby! Yeah!

Leslie said...

That's a good name Karli!


Grandma Leslie

Leslie said...

Love it! What a cutie! We will for sure have to get together in Utah once we all arrive back. Good luck Sunday! I'm sure everything will go smoothly.